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Business Ethics
Managerial Economics
Computer Applications in Management
Principles of Management
Artificial Intelligence for Everyone !
Strategic Management
Computer Science
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Data structures
Database management system
Design and analysis of algorithms
Operating system
Research Methodology
Research and Publication Ethics
Academic Integrity
Analytical Clinical Biochemistry
Novel Inorganic Solids
Inorganic chemistry-I (stereochemistry, metal-ligand equilibria and reaction mechanism of transition metal complexes)
Organic chemistry- I (Nature of bonding and stereochemistry)
Organic chemistry-II (Reaction mechanisms-1)
Physical chemistry-I (quantum chemistry)
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Business Ethics
Managerial Economics
Computer Applications in Management
Principles of Management
Artificial Intelligence for Everyone !
Strategic Management
Computer Science
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Data structures
Database management system
Design and analysis of algorithms
Operating system
Research Methodology
Research and Publication Ethics
Academic Integrity
Analytical Clinical Biochemistry
Novel Inorganic Solids
Inorganic chemistry-I (stereochemistry, metal-ligand equilibria and reaction mechanism of transition metal complexes)
Organic chemistry- I (Nature of bonding and stereochemistry)
Organic chemistry-II (Reaction mechanisms-1)
Physical chemistry-I (quantum chemistry)
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