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Media and communication studies
Communication Research
Reporting And Writing for Print Media
Communications Research
Development Communication
Gender, Media and Society
History of mass communication
Chinese Literature (1919 - 1949)
Chinese society and culture
Introduction to Modern Chinese
Tourism Chinese
Computer Science
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Data structures
Database management system
Design and analysis of algorithms
Operating system
P-02. Quantitative methods II (statistical methods)
P-03. Fundamentals of microeconomic theory
P-07. Theory of public finance
P-11. Money and banking
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Media and communication studies
Communication Research
Reporting And Writing for Print Media
Communications Research
Development Communication
Gender, Media and Society
History of mass communication
Chinese Literature (1919 - 1949)
Chinese society and culture
Introduction to Modern Chinese
Tourism Chinese
Computer Science
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Data structures
Database management system
Design and analysis of algorithms
Operating system
P-02. Quantitative methods II (statistical methods)
P-03. Fundamentals of microeconomic theory
P-07. Theory of public finance
P-11. Money and banking
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